15 questions to ask yourself about hormone replacement therapy

When women begin to experience symptoms of menopause, they often turn to forms of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help manage and relieve their symptoms. Certain types of HRT, such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can be very beneficial for both men and women, and can help maintain bone density, restore sleeping patterns, improve sex drive and libido, and even help prevent major illnesses such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, dementia, and cancer.

However, some conventional forms of hormone replacement therapy are associated with major health risks. Conventional HRT is available in the form of creams, patches, rings, liquids, pills, and injections, and may actually increase your risk for life-threatening diseases such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, heart disease, blood clots, and more.

Before you jump into taking just any type of conventional HRT, it’s important to evaluate the state of your health to verify whether you’re an ideal candidate for HRT. Following are 15 questions you should ask yourself prior to seeking hormone replacement therapy.

  1. Do you frequently experience hot flashes?
  2. Have you become moody, irritable, or short-tempered?
  3. Are you having problems sleeping through the night or do you sweat heavily in your sleep?
  4. Do you have a family history of osteoporosis?
  5. Do you have a family history of colon cancer?
  6. Have you been experiencing a low sex drive and low sexual libido?
  7. Has sexual intercourse become painful or do you frequently experience vaginal dryness?
  8. Are you under the age of 60?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you may be an ideal candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. BHRT can provide your body with naturally occurring hormones that will ease any of the above menopause-related symptoms.

Here are 7 more questions that will indicate whether conventional forms of HRT may be safe for you to use:

  1. Have you ever experienced a heart attack?
  2. Have you ever experienced a stroke?
  3. Do you suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure?
  4. Have you ever had a blood clot in your lung or extremities?
  5. Have you ever had breast cancer?
  6. Have you ever had any estrogen-driven cancers, such as uterine cancer?
  7. Do you currently suffer from memory loss or dementia?

If you answered “yes” to any of the 7 questions above, then you may want to avoid using conventional forms of HRT. Conventional forms of HRT could worsen any pre-existing health conditions you may have, and can increase your risk for further incidents. On the other hand, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may be the ideal option for you based on your current health status.

Rock Creek Wellness offers bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women who need help sustaining their hormone levels. Our pellet hormone program is designed for patients seeking a quick and affordable entry to bioidentical hormone therapy in Kansas City. Contact us today at 913-727-7700 to request a free consultation.